Home / Basic RTSP parameters to Video options

Basic RTSP parameters to Video options

18 Mar 2019 - 22:43

You can use the following parameters to customize the Video options settings in the CamStreamer App.

camera – number of sensor or view area
resolution – required resolution
audio – 0 or 1
video – 0 or 1
color- Enable/disable color. 0 = Black and white, 1 = Color
compression - Adjust the compression level of the image. Higher values correspond to higher compression, which is lower image quality and smaller image size. Note: This value is internally mapped and therefore product-dependent.
fps - Set the frame rate from the Axis product. 0 = Unlimited.
videomaxbitrate - sets the max bitrate for the outgoing stream (consider that you can´t compress FullHD stream e.g. to 200kbps as the camera is not able to do that)
streamprofile - use stream profile parameters (including bitrate control) defined directly on the camera and overwrite all other parameters set in the CamStreamer App, e.g. streamprofile=streamProfileName

Example: camera=1&resolution=1920x1080&audio=1

How to control overlays via RTSP parameters.

all -
all configured overlays are visibly displayed. (Axis text  and image overlays as well as third party overlays.eg. Camoverlay)
text -
only Axis text overlays are visibly displayed.
image - only Axis image overlays are visibly displayed.
application - only third party application overlays are visibly displayed. (eg Camoverlay)
off - no overlays are visibly displayed. (Axis default or third party overlays)

Example: overlays=text

Only one overlay parameter/value can be used at one time.   

The overlays=off parameter, is usable from Axis firmware whereas the other overlay parameters are only usable from Axis 10.6 firmware.

 More details can be found in AXIS VAPIX Library. 

CamStreamer Team

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