Live Camera Axis M2035-LE
246 996 views

Enjoy the breathtaking mountain scenery just behind Mountain Valley Winery in Pigeon Forge, TN. Bluff Mountain and the surrounding area is home to all kinds of wildlife including nesting Bald Eagles and Cormorants! Sunset is also a great time to view this live stream. We hope you enjoy and join us for the leaves changing color each Fall here in the Great Smoky Mountains!

Technical solution

Ideal for tough environments, this outdoor-ready bullet-style camera offers affordable Axis excellence. Lightweight and compact in design, it’s easy to install and supports analytics with deep learning. Available in two lens alternatives. With a deep learning processing unit (DLPU), you can benefit from applications based on deep learning on the edge. Thanks to AXIS Object Analytics, it offers detection and classification of humans, vehicles, and types of vehicles—all tailored to your specific needs. And Axis Edge Vault protects your Axis device ID and simplifies authorization of Axis devices on your network.

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United States
United States, Pigeon Forge
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