Klokoty živě
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History: The first written record on the church itself originated from 1361. Consecration of the church on the day of the Assumption of Our Lady is from 1389. At that time Madonna, taking the look of a beautiful girl, appeared in front of little cowboys first and subsequently in front of other local people, she taught them about the God and then was raised to the heaven by angels before people's very eyes. The Church of the Assumption of Our Lady: After renovation in the early 18th century the layout of the church was shaped like a double-arm cross. A church nave extended the originally round foundations of the church, oratories were built over the original chapels next to the presbytery and more chapels were added on the sides of the nave. Present days: There is a parish community nowadays, members of the community meet during regular religious services on weekdays and on Sundays. More information about regular and current events is available from www.klokoty.cz

Technical solution

AXIS M1135 is an affordable, compact network camera that’s easy to install and operate. It supports PoE and redundant DC power, so your data is safeguarded in the event of a power outage. Featuring Axis Lightfinder and Axis Forensic WDR it delivers true colors and great details in challenging light or near darkness. It includes a CS-mount allowing you to easily change lens to meet your specific requirements. Plus, a built-in microphone allows you to record video with sound. Furthermore, it offers Axis Zipstream with H.264/H.265 to lower bandwidth and storage requirements as well as enhanced security functionality.

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Czechia, Tábor
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