Sehr beindruckend ist der Blick vom „Tönsberghaus“, einem Neubau mit 19 Ferienwohnungen und Tiefgarage. Von der ehemaligen Jugendherberge kann man bei gutem Wetter bis in das südliche Sauerland schauen.Wer länger in Oerlinghausen verweilt, dem bieten das Archäologische Museum, Europas größter Segelflugplatz und etliche Wanderwege rund um Oerlinghausen viele Möglichkeiten der Entschleunigung.
Looking for cost-effective 24/7-surveillance – indoors or outdoors? AXIS P1448-LE Network Camera has you covered. A sturdy and flexible camera with a long list of great Axis features, AXIS P1448-LE is ideal for a multitude of purposes. It’s also the first camera in the P14 Series with both 4K resolution and built-in IR. AXIS P1448-LE captures still or motion-filled footage in high resolution and under difficult light conditions – including complete darkness. That’s because it delivers 4K resolution at 25/30 fps and features all our brilliant Axis light-compensating features. There’s Axis Forensic WDR for clarity when there are both dark and light areas in the scene. P-iris for optimal depth of field, resolution and image contrast. Axis Lightfinder for color images in near darkness. And Axis OptimizedIR, which fully illuminates completely dark scenes for up to 25 meters (82 ft).
Streams live video directly to YouTube, Facebook, and other platforms. Perfect for 24/7 livestreaming.
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